The Jefferson Project at Chautauqua Lake Data Dashboard

Weather Conditions at Chautauqua Lake

Powered by IBM's Deep Thunder

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Deep Thunder, IBM’s High Resolution Weather Forecasting System

Deep Thunder, one of IBM’s 100 Icons of Progress, is a hyper-local weather forecasting capability that combines high resolution weather modeling, unique data and tailored dissemination and visualization to predict short-range, very local weather. For the Jefferson Project, Deep Thunder provides 72-hour forecasts each day for the Chautauqua Lake area, at 1 kilometer resolution. Deep Thunder ties forecasted precipitation, temperature and soil conditions data to the runoff model, and wind, solar irradiance, precipitation and temperature to lake circulation models.


    The Deep Thunder model runs each night at 10 PM EDT, generating a forecast for the next 72 hours. The process runs overnight with the forecast available the next morning.